ECC - the Construction Division of Larsen and Toubro - will sponsor fresh, deserving engineering graduates interested in pursuing M.Tech in Construction Technology in IIT (Delhi, Madras). The scholarships signify ECC's keenness to enhance industry-academia interface The 24-month course will begin in July of every year.
L&T Scholarship Exam |
Qualifications: First-class graduates with minimum aggregate average of 65% marks in Civil
/ Mechanical / Electrical Engineering who will pass out in 2011 from a recognized Indian University/Institute.
Age: Not more than 23 years as on 01-07-yyyy.
Minimum Height: 160 cm.
Minimum Weight: 50 kg.
Vision: If wearing glasses, power should be less than ± 5.0 diopters
Selection Process: Involves written tests / interview conducted by IIT (Delhi/Madras) in coordination with L&T ECC. Final selection will be subject to medical fitness.
Scholarship: For the 24-month course, L&T will pay candidates a stipend of Rs.9000/- per month and also pay sponsorships to IITs.
Absorption: Those who sucessfully complete the course will be considered for absorption in regular employment in accordance with the terms and conditions of the company. Total emoluments on absorption at current rates exceed Rs.4,00,000 per annum on cost-to-company basis. The company offers excellent career prospects.
Undertaking: Before the course, candidates selected will have to execute an undertaking for a value of Rs.3,00,000 to complete the course and subsequently, if selected for employment, to serve the company for a minimum period of 5 years.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online in the application format for Build-India Scholarship on the 'Career' page of our website within 10 days with a recent photo giving accurate and complete details, viz. full name, mailing address, date of birth, height / weight, examinations passed, year of passing, discipline (Civil / Mechanical / Electrical), aggregate percentage of marks (taking into account all completed semesters, including I & II semesters), college, university, location of University (State / Union territory), special merit awards and extra-curricular activities (if any). If applying by post, quote Ref. No. 999/STL/XXX on application and envelope and send to The Manager - HR, Divisional Corporate, L&T ECC Division, Mount Poonamallee Road, Manapakkam, RB.No.979, Chennai 600 089
Application available at month of November.
Fill application: BISApplnFinal.asp
For more details please visit :,Career_BIS
Career Opportunities at L&T |
Recruitment of Experienced Professionals ECC Division of L&T has requirement of experienced personnel in specialised functions. We value highly specialised experience in areas like:
Recruitment of Trainees GET Orientation Programme Trainees form the core of recruitment in ECC Division. Several schemes for induction of trainees include: 1. L&T Build India Scholarship Programme at IITs 2. Post Graduate Engineer Trainees 3. Graduate Engineer Trainees through Campus Recruitment 4. Diploma Engineer Trainees through Campus Recruitment 5. Graduate Trainees L&T Build India Scholarship Programme at IITs. Each year 40 fresh engineering graduates in the Civil, Mechanical and Electrical disciplines are sponsored by ECC to the M.Tech (Construction Technology & Management) Course at IIT-Madras and IIT-Delhi. The Course is designed by the IIT's in consultation with ECC. Ads are placed in all major Indian newspapers inviting applications from fresh engineers specialising in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering disciplines. We also write to about 100 engineering colleges seeking applications of engineering students for the above. The selection is done jointly by IITs & L&T. The selection process includes a grinding series of Written tests, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. On successful completion of the M.Tech. course, the selected candidates are absorbed in regular employment in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Scheme. Post Graduate Engineer Trainees. Applications are invited from Post Graduate Engineers of reputed engineering colleges by writing to the colleges. Successful candidates are inducted into our Engineering Research Designs & Consultancy Division. Graduate Engineer Trainees & Diploma Engineer Trainees Every year ECC recruitment teams visit reputed engineering colleges and polytechnic institutions to induct fresh graduate engineers and diploma engineers into the company under Campus Recruitment Scheme. Graduate Engineers are given extensive on-the-job training of 12 months to equip them for higher responsibilities in the organisation. Training period for diploma engineers is 24 months. Graduate Trainees We also recruit Science / Arts / Business Administration Graduates every year. They are designated as Graduate Trainees. Applications are called for through advertisements in leading newspapers. Selected GTs are given comprehensive training for two years. During their training period they are exposed to various functions like stores, time office, accounts, personnel. |
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About Dr.Depak Muniraj
Hi, My name is Depak Muniraj, professional civil engineer and gives practical training to the young civil engineers and helps young minds to come up in the industry.